Proverbs 18:2 : The Bible
Some people have a comment to make on virtually every subject. They never say, "I don't know" or just listen in order to learn something. They just spout off their uninformed opinions to any willing listener. Proverbs 18:2 calls such persons fools.
Talk is cheap partly because it is easily available. The Book of Proverbs offers some principles to help us evaluate the worth of our words:
- Sometimes the wisest course is to keep quite. We need to weigh our thoughts and words carefully if we intent to be helpful.
- The one thing we never want to talk about is a confidence with which we have been entrusted.
- If we know how to use words, we can accomplish noble ends.
- We need to watch what we say. Our mouths can get us in deep trouble.
- If we give an opinion on a matter before hearing the facts, we will tend to bring shame on ourselves.
- Talk is cheap, but easy talk can be expensive. Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can lead to unfortunate consequences
For which you are known - lots of talk and self-important opinions, or the ability to listen and words of wisdom? To find out, you may want to ask others for an honest opinion. Another way is to ask yourself when the last time was someone came to you and asked you for counsel. It may seem risky and even painful to learn the truth about yourself in this area, but you will be much better off if you know your errors and can change them.
SOURCES: Life Application Study Bible
The Word in Life Study Bible
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