My husband eating "one-day-old" chick or "day ol" for the first time in the Philippines

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One way to have fun when travelling is to try something new, else what's  the use of moving from one place to another when you confine yourself to the things that you are used to rather than be thrilled by gaining unique experiences that each place could offer.

When my American husband visited me for the first time here in the Philippines six  years back, the  first thing i wanted him to try are the street foods.  Why would I bring him to pizza parlors,
McDonalds, or American restaurants when I know that the foods being served there are the same he got in the U.S. for his 40 years of existence.  I got to make him try something that was really unique and something that he will never forget for his trip regardless of him liking it or not (laughs).  Besides, it will soon be his every day food if he decides to settle here with me (just kidding..we don't eat them every day, only when we feel like to).

Below is  the video of him eating "one-day-old" chick or "day-ol".  One day old  chick is a popular Philippine street food.  They are rejects from the poultry farms because they pick female chicks for egg production.
