Home made apple cider vinegar : PINAYs' EASY RECIPE

Do you want to make your own apple cider vinegar at home?  Well, it's not really a complicated process.  So easy and cheaper by almost 60%  as compared to the price of commercial products sold in the groceries and other retail outlets.  Try it.  Here's how.


  • 3-4 pcs. apples (you may also add apple peels after making pies
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/2 li. water


1.  Pour 1/2 cup of honey in the jar half filled with water then stir

2.  Wash and chop apples/peels into small pieces

3.  Put the apples/peels in the jar

4.  Cover the mouth of the jar with a coffee filter

5. Put the lid adapter to hold the filter in place (you may use a rubber band if your jar does not have adapter)

6.  Keep in a warm dark place for 3-4 weeks to ferment 

7.  During the fermentation process, you will notice gas bubbles formation 

8.  After 4 weeks, (by this time, the apples smell slightly sour)  remove the pieces of
apples  from the jar then cover again with the same coffee filter you previously used and then  secure with the lid adapter just the same. Keep in a warm place for a month or more depending on the acidity you want to achieve.

9.  Finally, the home made apple cider vinegar is ready for use.  Transfer the vinegar in a jar 
with lid.



  1. Hey, Thanks for sharing this wonderfully simple recipe!

    I now have a few questions before I try this!
    How long would this vinegar last on shelf (specially in a tropical environment)? And could I add something to increase shelf life? Could honey be replaced with other sweeteners?

    Thanks In Advance!


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