Filipino traits....PART 2
• EXTREME PERSONALISM - Some overdo pakikipagkapwa-tao. They take their relationships with others in a personal way. For instance, when they attend to business or official matters, they seek the help of someone they know who has influence to make things easier for them. This illustrates the palakasan system to have things done in short period of time because one knows a powerful person.
• BAHALA NA ATTITUDE - It is attributed to the strong faith in God that sometimes they just rely on faith rather than do something to improve their lives.
• EXTREME FAMILY CENTEREDNESS - Sometimes families become too clannish. For example, a community project maybe awarded by government official to his family member or relative because it will profit this person.
• LACK OF DISCIPLINE - Disregard and disobey rules and procedures, and hope they cannot get caught which oftentimes they could. Example is violation of traffic rules wherein crossing to the other end is prohibited yet they still do it because they don’t want to take the overpass. Many times they take shortcuts. It is also manifested by the attitude towards time. Filipino time or never on time.
• PASSIVE AND LACK OF INITIATIVE - Ningas kugon mentality. Their interests die very quickly. Example: They start on a project with zeal and great attention but midway lose interest in it and leave it unfinished. Sometimes they do not perform a task unless are asked or told to do so. They also rely on the leaders and government to do things for them.
• COLONIAL MENTALITY - They love everything imported believing that foreigners are better than them , foreign-made items are better, and even foreign languages are better. They often imitate foreigner’s fashion and way of life. It is all right to appreciate the talents of foreign people and the good aspects of other cultures but it is not correct to look down on local Filipino talents and abilities because there are things that they do better than the foreigners.
• KANYA-KANYA SYNDROME - It is an offshoot of crab mentality. Filipinos with crab mentality do not seem to be happy when someone becomes successful and tends to pull them down. Example is when abroad, a fellow Filipino is doing well so this person will try to destroy him by spreading nasty things which are not true at all.
• LACK OF SELF-ANALYSIS - While they are proud of their sense of humor, they sometimes forget that there are things that should be taken seriously When things went wrong they are more willing to blame others rather than asking what they did wrong.
• THIN-SKINNED - Filipinos are easily embarrassed and quick to take offense.
• MAĆANA HABIT - Mamaya na habit. Putting things for tomorrow when they can do it today.
Our nation our world by Yolanda Hernandes et. Al
Community Life and Progress by Dr. Leonardo de La Cruz et. Al.
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