Filipino Traits - Part 1

PAKIKIPAGKAPWA TAO – Generally, Filipinos are caring people. It is manifested through the following:

     • Harmonious relationship with each other as member of one family;
     • Readiness to help each other Example: Bayanihan - Several members of the village help the owner carry his small house to a new place; and
     • Hospitality -  Even the poorest and the humblest homes have something special for their guests and visitors. They would not hesitate to borrow just so they would show their hospitality.

FAMILY ORIENTED - Generally, a Filipino family includes not only parents and their children but also grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. The family is one great source of support and strength. In times of need, the family is there to help . When things are well, they share their blessings to everyone in the family.

HAPPY AND CHEERFUL - Filipinos face life with sense of humor. Despite troubles, calamities they still manage to smile. They love celebrations and social activities.

FLEXIBLE, ADAPTS TO ENVIRONMENT AND CREATIVE - Filipinos easily adjust to any situation. They could adapt to any place.

HARDWORKING AND INDUSTRIOUS - It’s not always correct to say Filipinos are poor because they are lazy. We see farmers, fishermen, laborers working long hours every day. However, no matter how they worked hard , the very low wages made them remain poor. Thus others chose to work abroad to be able to send good amount of money to their families.

RELIGIOUS - Filipinos have deep faith in God.

ABILITY TO SURVIVE - Filipinos know how to survive and can get by on so little

PAKIKISAMA (To go along with others). They often do things that they do not really want to do because they want to maintain smooth s interpersonal relationship.

EUPHEMISTIC - They avoid inoffensive expression so as not to offend or suggest something unpleasant.

NOT FRANK - They do not go straight to the point when they want to discuss delicate subjects.  They use up a lot of words before getting to the heart of the matter. They are reluctant to say a direct yes or no answer rather they would say maybe, perhaps.
