Are you willing to adapt the Philippine Culture?

Adaptation is the process of adjusting to the environment.  You may be familiar with the saying “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”.  Similarly, when you are in another country, there are practices that you may find it hard to resort to but you have to.  It does not necessarily mean though that you have to do things that are against your moral principles.

Many times over, I read rants of foreigners coming in the Philippines either for vacation, for work or to reside for the reason of marriage with Filipino or simply to skip the very high cost of living in their own countries.   While some of their frustrations are reasonable, others have gone overboard.   Nothing is wrong when complaining for justifiable reason or for constructively criticizing because it gives positive result but not when it becomes destructive and self-serving. 

First and foremost,  why are you here? Before coming, have you done your research about the country, the culture and it's people, so you have at least an idea of what and what not to expect? In the event that your expectations weren't met, how are you going to deal with it? Will you allow it to spoil your plan or consider it as something new to learn from?  Will you leave or stay and vent all your life?  The choice is  yours, all yours.  BUT,  if you indeed believe that this country does not fit your life and lifestyles, then why allow yourself to suffer the consequences of sticking around when you have a far better option, to just move back where you believe would best suit you.  Isn't that ironic?  Or maybe, you are  just in a denial of the fact that at least in this country, "you found a place" when you actually don't have back home?

Just my thoughts. 
