1 Timothy 3:1-5

To be a church leader (overseer) is a heavy responsibility because the church belongs to the living God.  Church leaders should not be elected because they are popular, nor should they be allowedto push their way to the top.  Instead they should be chosen by the church because of their respect for the truth, both in what they believe and in how they live.  

The word overseer can refer to a pastor, church leader, or presiding elder.  It is good to want to be spiritual leader, but the standards are high.  Paul enumerates some of the qualifications here.  Do you hold a position of spiritual leadership, or would you like to be a leader some day?  Check yourself against Paul's standard of excellence.  Those with great responsibility must meet high expectations. The lists of church office show that living a blameless and pure life requires effort and self-discipline. All believers, even if they never plan to be church leaders, should strive to follow these guidelines because they are consistent with what God says is true and right.  The strength to live according to God's will comes from Christ.  

Source: Life Application Study Bible
