Filipino Time

Have you ever heard the phrase "filipino time"?. This usually means "never on time".   

This is an undisciplined attitude towards time.  Punctuality tends to be of no value to some of us be it in personal affairs, at work or on social functions.  Say for example as a foreigner or simply a person who is time conscious, you would make an appointment with a Filipino to meet at 9:00 A.M. As a person who is always on time, you made it a point to be at the meeting place at the exact time or even earlier.  Waited for 30 minutes,  you would call or text the other person and would get a reply "i am on my way".  The fact is, that person just started to take a shower and would arrive at the meeting place an hour or more late.  

I was once like this.  Always late but i learned my lessons when I was almost left behind for a trip. My boss was strict when it comes to time and will never extend a minute just to wait. He learned it from his trainings abroad, applied it  to us, the employees which in turn transformed our "late" attitude into "early  birds" behavior.  Late attitude also happens on social functions.  A program or meeting would be set to start at a specified time but most often, it will start late because of the late arrival of important guests or officers.

I would want to make it clear though that there are some Filipino who knows the value of time but generally, Filipinos are not time conscious.  What's odd also is short temperament when waiting but they love being late.  

For those who are always late,  i guess it's time to change that kind of attitude and be at least considerate and don't waste the time of others who values time utmost.
